After the Storm
In 2012, Cyclone Andrea caused devastation on many levels, the destruction of trees and structures representing just one aspect. Susanne's work is concerned with a small timespan of roughly five seconds; the time it takes for a tree to fall.
Having interrogated camera-based conventions, perceptions and ways of 'reading' images, Susanne's research interests revolve around aspects of capturing time in photographic images, invariably very different from what we are able to perceive with the human eye. Using the five second timespan as a base, she produced a set of 'scans' of that duration which, in a downward motion, mimic the fall of a tree.
Concentrating on the timespan and motion, Five Second Fall suggests the fragility of the human body, addressing an unpredictable event and projecting the aftermath. Incidentally, the dimensions of the prints are also suggestive of tree trunks.